"Children thanked for chastisement"
Serious allegations against heads of Bonn University Bible friendship Peter Chang - Youth Office sees "still no need for action" - hearing Changs before prosecutor
By Frank Vallender, 01.10.2011
Bonn. They spent most of their time alone in an attic room, after school they had to do homework with a growling stomach before they could eat the remains of the adults, and they even had to be grateful for their punishment with sticks.
Michael Küsters, 25, and a student in Bonn, was a member of the Bonn University Bible Friendship (UBF) for three years and charges the Koreans Peter Chang with serious criticism.
"He does not lead a faith community, but operates a cult of personality," says Küsters. Members of the so-called UBF reform refer to him as "Satan" who has brought disaster on the UBF, as can be read on the Internet at "www.voy.com/60734". On the web pages of the UBF reform there are shattering reports on the conditions in the Bonn UBF.
As reported, the prosecutor's office became active in October 2001 and investigated against Chang on suspicion of assault. Especially children should suffer from his brutal methods of education.
Küsters: "The parents' duty was to break the will of their children to learn obedience." The children need it, "said Chang, whom all children called grandpa."
Who cared too much for his children, was considered family-centered and had to repent. Küsters: "" God cares about our children, "it said." Chang's own sons would have thanked the UBF district even for chastisement.
Michael Küsters is one of the few drop-outs who openly and ruthlessly criticize the methods of the Bonn UBF. Others are more anxious: Since almost all of Chang's wives are obedient, fathers who were willing to criticize and get out were "in a serious trouble".
When they openly criticize Peter Chang, the "servant of God", as Chang calls himself, threatens them for divorcing women. Because UBF members did not lead normal marriages, but "should love the servant of God more than his own husband / wife."
Peter Chang, who has sometimes called himself "God", as another UBF member describes on the Internet, is a small, plump man, who initially makes a very cozy impression on newcomers, according to Küsters.
Chang studied pharmacy and comes from Korea, "which is certainly a reason for his chastisement methods." But even in Korea, the flogging was abolished two years ago.
The youth welfare office has not yet intervened, although kindergarten teachers who look after UBF children have reported to the city. "So far, however, the Youth Welfare Office sees no need for action," said a spokeswoman for the city.
However, the city is "in good contact with the public prosecutor's office and Kripo. Next week, there is also a conversation with the kindergarten."
On the Internet, one author especially encourages the women of the Bonn UBF: "Please go to the police and tell your story." But the resignation to Chang is great.
Not least because, according to Küsters, he "lets himself be promised by every member that he can not stand his ground, even when it comes to cases in which Chang himself comes into conflict with the law".
The student once witnessed members write a pledge of allegiance before the marriage. The prosecution will soon hear Peter Chang on the allegations. Chang himself can not be reached by phone, his lawyer is currently on vacation.
Source: http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/region/Kinder-bedankten-sich-f%C3%BCr-Z%C3%BCchtigungen-article176365.html