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The (other) real purpose of testimony writing/sharing

Before I reveal what is the real purpose of testimony writing (besides setting up for UBF marriages) I will briefly synthesize what is...

Why UBF can't get sheep (part 1)

This is one of the BIGGEST questions both current members and ex-members have asked and pondered about. And to my knowledge this topic...

What to look forward to in 2019

Hello Everyone, I mentioned in an earlier post about big projects coming. Here is more info about those projects. There are going to be...

Why no articles?

There has been a semi-hiatus of no articles for awhile. You deserve an explanation. These are the main reasons: -Holidays coming...

UBF expose: Marriage Life

Hello Everyone, A cable TV network has taken interested in the life and aftermath of "marriage by faith" life. In the near future an...

Why UBF doesn't necessarily do membership classes.

a membership class is when a new member of a church takes a class on the church. Some of the topics covered in the membership class are:...

UBF doesn't believe in exorcism

What I mean is that UBF does believe exorcism exists but they don't believe that they themselves can practically perform it. By exorcism...

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