Dwell Church in Austin, TX is the front group of Austin UBF. Here’s a very quick background:
“Started [in August 2013] by two 2nd gens, one from Downey and the other from Chicago (Isaac A. Kim and Joshua Jeon, respectively).”– Former UBF staff member
Joshua Jeon is the chapter director: http://www.ubf.org/locations/austin
Here is the church’s website: http://dwellaustin.org
Dwell Church has been reference at UBF’s main website by their actual name:
Austin UBF has their blog that has been inactive since the chapter has been official established: http://austinubf.blogspot.com/
It appears that Austin UBF has made allies to promote a positive image of UBF: http://austinubf.blogspot.com/2013/08/partnership-with-other-campus-ministries.html & http://austinubf.blogspot.com/2013/05/vision-trip.html
It is quite interesting that Austin UBF is working with other campus ministries for UBF chapters pretty much never do that.
Here’s undeniable proof that Dwell Church is Austin UBF in disguise and part of UBF to this day:
In this image you can see Mark Vucekovich the chapter director of Lincoln Park UBF
Sarah Barry the co-founder of UBF is second from the left
In this photo you can Joshua Jeon with UBF leaders, UBF “missionaries” in Chicago, Ron Ward, ex-General Director Abraham T. Kim, Chang Sun “John” Jun, Ron Ward, and Russel Kille from Toledo UBF
If you the current member of Dwell Church still skeptical about whether Dwell Church is indeed Austin UBF and a core part of UBF check out the following:
Brian Karcher’s book Identity Snatchers