What if I told you that the “persecution” current members face from ex-members was actually preventable the whole time?
In UBF anything that critiques or is simply not “pro-UBF” is deemed as “harassment” or “persecution”. Hence why “persecution” and “harassment” is in air quotes.
Like I mentioned in a previous article El Camino UBF knew for a long time about Eric’s blog material in addition to his material here on ubfriends.
The fact that Baik has the ability to shut down Eric’s blog raises some questions: Why didn’t Baik try to absolutely stop Eric 2 years ago? Why did he wait until Eric made about 3 dozen posts about El Camino UBF in addition to other UBF chapters to finally take action?
Yes Eric is now an internet juggernaut, Mr. Anti-UBF, The ENEMY of UBF, but not from the beginning.
Baik and the rest of UBF make it seem that Eric just popped out of Hell which is not actually the case.
If Eric’s ex-bible teacher carried out the arrest then he would have not only saved El Camino UBF from so-called “persecution” but the rest of UBF as well such as Columbus UBF, Winnipeg UBF, and Bonn UBF, etc. But his former teacher didn’t carry out the task and that is what left me and others wondering Why????!!!!
An argument/defense UBF and Baik will use is : The bible says to love your enemies.
That is true but one doesn’t love their enemies but letting them “persecute their loved ones especially sheep. Please correct me or clarify in the comments or via message
Another way Baik could have defeated Eric without the authorities is if the church had its own blog and social media.
If Baik had all 35-40 members make a pro-UBF/pro-El Camino UBF blog not only would have he defeated Eric by a landslide but it would have made UBF’s web committee’s job a whole lot easier. Its not a theory or rocket science but a simply fact. In fact that are video tutorials on Youtube on how to turn off comments of blogs and social media.
But Baik doesn’t do that. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Baik is brewing up a conspiracy. But Baik not carrying out to defeat Eric for good or stopping Eric before he became a juggernaut is very suspicious.
*Repost of Eddie's article